28 04, 2020

Thyroid Hormone Balance Essential

2020-04-28T16:17:08+00:00April 28th, 2020|

More than half of all people affected by thyroid disease are unaware of their condition. Thyroid disorders affect far more women than men, and the risk increases with age. While both men and women experience stress and exposure to environmental toxins, women are more vulnerable to thyroid imbalances due to hormonal changes throughout their lifetime (puberty, birth control pills, pregnancy, menopause, HRT). Many symptoms of hypothyroidism and menopause overlap. While hormone replacement therapy often focuses on estrogens, progesterone, DHEA and testosterone, optimal hormone balance cannot be achieved without correcting thyroid hormone imbalances. Thyroid [...]

2 04, 2020

Strengthen Your Immune System

2020-04-02T18:46:28+00:00April 2nd, 2020|

Many factors can challenge a healthy immune system including stress, exposure to toxic compounds, allergies, bacteria, viruses, irregular sleeping patterns and a poor diet. Our immune system needs many specific micronutrients, including vitamins A, D, C, E, B6, B12, folate, zinc, iron, copper, and selenium, which play vital, synergistic roles at every stage of the immune response. Adequate amounts of these micronutrients are essential to ensure the proper function of physical barriers and immune cells; however, daily micronutrient intakes necessary to support immune function may be higher than current recommended dietary allowances. Infection, [...]

3 03, 2020

Restoring Hormonal Balance

2020-03-03T16:20:53+00:00March 3rd, 2020|

Bioidentical Hormone Therapy (BHT) is the replacement of deficient hormones with hormones that are chemically identical to those that the body naturally produces, but which have declined due to aging or illness. BHT has improved the quality of life for millions of women who suffer from hormonal imbalance. The ideal process for achieving hormonal balance includes an assessment of hormone levels and complete evaluation of signs and symptoms, followed by replacement of the deficient hormones in the most appropriate dose via the most effective route for each woman, and monitoring to fine tune [...]

3 02, 2020

Customized Medications to Help with Oral Pain or Infections

2020-02-03T23:39:23+00:00February 3rd, 2020|

When you have a problem with your mouth or lips, we can help! Whether you need to relieve pain from ulcerations or an injury, provide a protective barrier to prevent irritation and help with healing, or perhaps numb an area prior to a procedure, we can help! Our compounding pharmacists work with dentists and other health care professionals to customize medications to meet specific needs. For example, troches (lozenges) and lollipops may be the best dosage form when a medication needs to remain in contact with an area of the mouth to be [...]

26 12, 2019

Drug-Induced Nutrient Depletion – Correct the Deficiency and Improve Your Life!

2019-12-26T16:38:49+00:00December 26th, 2019|

Common prescription and over-the-counter medications can deplete your body of vital nutrients which are essential to your health, and this drug-induced nutrient depletion (DIND) can be life-threatening. Nutrient depletion can lead to fatigue, anxiety, depression and insomnia. And even worse – widely-prescribed statins, which are used to reduce cholesterol, deplete coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10), and lack of CoQ10 can weaken the heart and lead to left ventricular failure. To treat this problem, drugs known as beta-blockers are prescribed, which can cause more adverse effects. This is an example of how DIND is often not [...]

3 12, 2019

Intranasal Ketamine for Treatment-Resistant Depression

2019-12-03T15:58:05+00:00December 3rd, 2019|

Multiple studies have shown that when used as a nasal spray, ketamine may help depressed patients who have not responded to conventional therapy. Ketamine is a medication that is most often used intravenously for anesthesia, and multiple studies have shown that a single intravenous infusion of ketamine produces a rapid antidepressant response. Intranasal medications avoid the inconvenience and discomfort of IV therapy. And, intranasal drug delivery offers many advantages: it provides a route to the brain that bypasses problems related to gastrointestinal absorption as well as drug metabolism prior to absorption, and intranasal [...]

25 10, 2019

Advantages of Topical Pain Therapy

2019-10-25T19:26:28+00:00October 25th, 2019|

There are a number of advantages of using topical pain creams/gels instead of oral pain relievers in tablet, capsule or liquid form: • Can be applied locally only on the area where pain relief is needed. • Fast onset of action. • Higher concentration of the analgesic in the pain area. • Low or no systemic drug levels means fewer or no side effects. • Absence of drug–drug interactions. • Ease of combining multiple medications into one formulation for synergistic benefits. • Improvement of compliance. • No risk of dependency or abuse. Combinations [...]

30 09, 2019

Testosterone Boosts Sexual Well-Being in Older Women

2019-11-14T16:00:36+00:00September 30th, 2019|

Postmenopausal women with low sexual desire or sexual dysfunction may benefit from testosterone therapy. There are no commercially available testosterone preparations specifically indicated for women in any country. This is how the compounding pharmacists at Peachtree Pharmacy can help! Read on… A group of researchers reviewed the medical literature between 1990 and 2018 and found 36 randomized controlled trials that included a total of 8480 postmenopausal women. The analysis showed that testosterone therapy increased several parameters of sexual function compared to placebo or other therapy, such as estrogen with or without a progestogen. [...]

23 08, 2019

Diabetes Epidemic in Children and Teens

2019-08-23T13:15:12+00:00August 23rd, 2019|

Type 2 diabetes is developing at an alarming rate among American children and teenagers. Type 2 diabetes was formerly known as “adult onset” diabetes because it typically occurred in adults over 45 years of age, primarily as a result of being obese or overweight, but also due to inactivity, low HDL cholesterol or high triglycerides levels, or high blood pressure. In previous generations, almost all children, adolescents, or young adults diagnosed with diabetes had type 1 diabetes (formerly known as “insulin-dependent diabetes” or “juvenile onset diabetes”). In type 1 diabetes, the person is [...]

22 07, 2019

Low Dose Naltrexone for Chronic Pain? New Uses for an Old Drug

2019-07-22T19:54:11+00:00July 22nd, 2019|

Naltrexone is a medication that is traditionally used in a dose of 50 mg to help people who have stopped taking narcotics to stay drug-free, and alcoholics to stay alcohol-free. But over the past several years, PubMed, a service of the U.S. National Library of Medicine, has posted many studies and case reports about the benefits of Low-Dose Naltrexone (LDN), in doses of 4.5 mg or less, to treat chronic pain conditions such as fibromyalgia, complex regional pain syndrome, migraine headache, and interstitial cystitis.  LDN is an inexpensive drug with infrequent and mild [...]

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