Feline lower urinary tract disease (FLUTD) can include difficult urination, increased frequency of urination or attempts to urinate, bloody urine, agitation, and vocalization due to urethral spasm or obstruction. Surgery may be needed to relieve the obstruction, but often the first type of therapy is an anti-spasmodic drug that relaxes the urethral muscle to allow passage of the obstruction. However, none of the drugs commonly needed to treat feline urethral spasm and obstruction have been thoroughly described in the veterinary literature, and none of these drugs are commercially available in dosage forms that can be safely and accurately administered to cats. All of these drugs are commercially available as capsules: prazosin 1mg (the highest dose used for cats and often causes hypotension), phenoxybenzamine 10mg, and dantrolene 100mg, none of which can be manipulated by the caregiver to deliver an appropriate dose.  Our compounding pharmacist can provide capsules containing one or more of the anti-spasmodics individualized for a specific patient or can customize medicated treats or flavored oral suspensions. Transdermal application of these drugs is not recommended for this acute and life-threatening condition due to the delayed onset of action and unknown extent of absorption of transdermally administered medications. Ask our pharmacist for more information.

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